Thursday, January 3, 2013

A month has passed: General blog info

It has been a month since I woke up and decided  to start making a blog about video games. Because so much time has passed, I decide to write a few things about myself. In case you want to understand how this came to life, than read on.

First, a bit of info about me:
I am a 21 year old student of journalism and social communication from Poland. My hobbies except gaming are reading, playing around with computers, security systems, rock music and spontaneous strolls. Except for that I am very lucky to have a beloved girlfriend, which made the mascot of this blog :) You can see more of her art here :)

Why this blog exists?
Because I have a manical need of writing. This catastrophe was created by my studies, and because I need to write SOMETHING, I decided to write about one of the few things I love to do :)

Why in English, since I am from Poland? Because more people use English. And since that I can get loads of feedback. And I can also train my English skills, which have gotten a bit rusty lately :/

Something about my pc and used apps. 
All the games I play and review are run on my trusty Dell Studio 1555 laptop. The specs are:
Intel Core2Duo 2GHz
3GB DDR2 Ram
ATI Radeon HD4570

The rest is not all that important. For now it serves me well, but I will be trying to make a stationary PC by myself "soon". Probably not that soon since I am pretty low on cash :X
To record gameplays I use FRAPS and Camstudio OSS.

Now some blog stats: 
Up to the uploading of this post I had 723 visitors, mostly from the USA, United Kingdom and Poland.
The blog itself exists for exactly a month, so I think it's not bad. Especially I don't have a clue about page positioning, so Google can't find me xD'''
From the 10 blog posts I have published, the most read one was the "Indie Game Spotlight vol. 1" with a whooping number of  120 entries. Thanks for that :D

I hope this entry shed some light on the backstory behind this blog. Anyway, don't worry, I am still going to write. And I hope it will be interesting for you to read :)

Next blog entry E.T.A: end of January, after my college exams :X

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